Synopsis: Jayla Ralston is running. After her apartment break in, she decided to get away from life and her overbearing twin sister. She finds the perfect Maine hide away to make some changes - The Cliffhouse Bed and Breakfast. It was perfect...until the phone calls resumed - kicking her paranoia into high gear.
Trenton Montgomery is out for revenge. It has taken him ten years to return to his childhood home. After sneaking into an empty wing to focus on his clandestine investigation, a beautiful woman shows up - causing him to feel emotions,
other than anger, for the first time in a long time.
My Review: I really enjoyed reading Mirrored Deception. I haven't read a 'non paranormal' book in quite sometime and I've always loved a little mystery. I thought to myself several times during this book that I was really impressed at how well Emma was able to keep her characters in order. I would have gotten so confused with the twins.
Emma does a great job with her descriptions in the book. I felt like I was walking around the Cliffhouse with Jayla and it definitely sounds like a beautiful place to relax.
This was one of those books that got to a point in the story where... I didn't want to put it down. I was anxious to know what was going to happen next, but just as I was on the edge of my seat and really really into it, it was over. It felt like the ending was rushed to an end. I felt like it definitely could have gone on for a few more chapters with more description. This was a great quick read and I will definitely be checking out her other book, Crashing Hearts.
Emma does a great job with her descriptions in the book. I felt like I was walking around the Cliffhouse with Jayla and it definitely sounds like a beautiful place to relax.
This was one of those books that got to a point in the story where... I didn't want to put it down. I was anxious to know what was going to happen next, but just as I was on the edge of my seat and really really into it, it was over. It felt like the ending was rushed to an end. I felt like it definitely could have gone on for a few more chapters with more description. This was a great quick read and I will definitely be checking out her other book, Crashing Hearts.
All in all I gave this book 4 hearts!
Happy reading my fellow book lovies!
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